Titel: Confession tree
Uitgever en co-auteur: Frank Bruggeman (Rotterdam)
Projectduur: november 2011 t/m februari 2012 (samenstelling en redactie)
Publicatie: februari 2012
Taal: Engels
Omvang: 84 pagina’s, circa 115 illustraties
Uitvoering en formaat: paperback, 25 x 20 cm (h x b)
Verkrijgbaarheid: printing on demand via Blurb (http://nl.blurb.com/b/2966626-confession-tree)
For the international art and design project Make a Forest (2011), that aimed at heightening local awareness of the global deforestation problem, Dutch artist Frank Bruggeman (1966) travelled to Santa Cruz de la Sierra in Bolivia. A well-known tree in this city was chosen to serve as the most significant part of a temporary (one-day) installation.
Gabrielle Kennedy, Make a forest part II, http://design.nl/item/make_a_forest_part_ii
Johanna van der Zanden & Anne van der Zwaag, Make a forest: a global art and design project connecting culture with nature, p.12-13